Friday, 20 January 2012

The Rationale behind the Belfast Business Centre’s Seminars for Success

Having met Paul McAnallen, Director of Shift Control during 2011 at a training event, I extended an invitation to visit the Belfast Business Centre and we have since established a strong working relationship which has benefited both our companies.

As a result of a recent meeting with Paul, February 2012 will see the launch of our series of Seminars for Success. Designed to benefit the Belfast Business Centre’s Clients these seminars will be presented by a variety of business owners from different sectors. These business owners are also clients of the centre who have successfully started and grown their own businesses and will discuss their experiences and provide tips and advice.

This innovative programme is just one area where the Belfast Business Centre is striving to provide added value of genuine benefit to the centre’s clients by building strong links between businesses and creating opportunities to grow.

Details of the first Seminar will be available shortly and Belfast Business Centre clients will receive their personal invitations!



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